Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010

Frohe Weihnachten...

Liebe Hörerinnen und Hörer,
ich wünsche Euch und Euren Familien ruhige und besinnliche Weihnachtsfeiertage.
Mit weihnachtlichen Grüßen
Euer (oldie) Gerd

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hello RNI_Friends,
    this piece of fine handworked Web-site, you did find here. Beautiful Work from O-Gerd !!! Let`s all stay on Board, even Roger Kirk is sick with the flew.He is been flying around the good ship and infekting all of us, inclusive the PC`s and all the stuff laying aroiund here. Cant`d be long bevor we all lay down and the nice maschines take over all the work !! What a world
    Maschines are broadcasting and PC`s are listening. We are the robots .... Stay cool and healthy, and let`s all be together again in 2011, having fun with the good old radio!!
    kind regards Hardy !!!
